Friday 29 May 2020


Only a poet can convert 
agitations into cogitations!

Meditating on the happenings of life
he forgets all his maddening strife

By keeping his life simple and uncomplicated
soothes through words all those devastated

Cheerfulness in his world of words
combines both joys and sorrows into verses
© B.S.Saroja
©image by Kiran Auradkar

Monday 25 May 2020


Neither I don't ask you why
Nor you don't ask me why
Together we fly
Looking like one
very high
piercing the sky

Joy of reaching the zenith
In our hearts we both cherish

We don't lie down to dream
Happily we fly and just scream

In ourselves we are complete
Never ever we compete

For us life means ascendence
We are really alive in freedom
©image by Kiran Auradkar